Alan Reid's face

Hi, I'm Alan Reid

I'm a Javascript Full Stack Developer, previously an SEO of 10 years

I like the idea of making great experience for users while building fundementally quick sites. I enjoy using both Next and Gatsby while using Node/Express and Puppeteer for backend work.

Some Blog Posts

Here's a couple of things I wrote about


The worker microservice is made!

After a good bit of effort and head-banging, the worker works as intended. WOO HOO

authors face

Alan Reid

23/07/2023 - 3 min read


Factsbolt has been started!

We've got a wee start. Now it's about to get it working as soon as possible!

authors face

Alan Reid

21/07/2023 - 3 min read


Factsbolt, a site which takes a video and gives us facts!

I'm getting bored of having to second guess Youtube shorts/videos. Let's make something for this!

authors face

Alan Reid

20/07/2023 - 3 min read


From Slovenia to Croatia

I said I would and I did it. I returned back to Croatia and it was proper fantastic

authors face

Alan Reid

08/07/2023 - 3 min read


I'm at Eindhoven for JS Eindhoven

One year ago, I didn't think this would be the craic but here we are. Good hot chocolate here.

authors face

Alan Reid

18/01/2023 - 4 min read


Two months at Shockbyte

It's crazy how fast two months go. I'm surprised it's already been this long at Shockbyte

authors face

Alan Reid

03/12/2022 - 5 min read

Developers Worth Knowing

These are the guys I talk to the most on this journey

Alan Reid's face

Alan Reid

Full stack Developer and SEO

I decided that it was worth becoming a programmer the moment I realised that I could work from anywhere. Being an SEO, I wanted to make faster sites so GatsbyJS was my jam

Phil Collins's face

Phil Collins

Software Engineer II for PEAK6, Evil Genuises

After working half of his life as a Chef, Phil got into crpytocurrency and from that point, wanted to get more involved with the techologies behind it.

Leo Pillar's face

Leo Pillar

ReactJS, NextJS Web Developer

Leo's path has taken a few changes over the years - from doing 3 years I.C.T in college, to the last 12 years being a Commercial Diver. His passion and interest in web development has led him back to being a Front-end Developer..

Books I'd recommend

Strong fundamentals make everyday coding easier

Road to React's face

Road to React

2021 Edition with React Hooks

The Road to React: Your journey to master React.js in JavaScript - is a comprehensive and pragmatic yet concise React feat. Hooks book.

Eloquent Javascript's face

Eloquent Javascript

A Modern Introduction to Programming

JavaScript lies at the heart of almost every modern web application, from social apps like Twitter to browser-based game frameworks like Phaser and Babylon.

Follow my updates per month

Once per month, I'll post an update on this website which I'll talk about what exactly I've done for the month, how I've improved and how you can do that yourself.