Fullstack Developer and SEO

I build solutions for businesses which meet the highest of SEO standards. This is achieved using Gatsby or Next for the frontend. For backend work, I love using Node and Express with Puppeteer.

My Javascript Programming Stack

React's icon

React as my general Javascript framework/library

Gatsby's icon

Gatsby as my frontend framework for non dynamic needs

Next's icon

Next as my frontend framework for dynamic scalable needs

Tailwind's icon

Tailwind as my CSS Framework

Figma's icon

Figma as my designing/wireframe tool

Meteor's icon

Meteor when I need to build minimal vaiable products

Node's icon

Node as my general backend JS runtime

Express's icon

Express for building APIs and webservers

Puppeteer's icon

Puppeteer for web automation and scraping data

Jest's icon

Jest for Test Driven Development / Testing

Cucumber's icon

Cucumber for Behavioural Driven Development / Testing

Google Analytics and SEO's icon

Google Analytics and SEO as my analytics platform

Docker/Swarm for containerised orchestration's icon

Docker/Swarm for containerised orchestration for containerised orchestration

With 10 years of SEO experience, I'm able to shape marketing departments and help them to become more SEO aware.

Courses I've taken from Udemy

Modern JavaScript's face

Modern JavaScript

Learn and build projects with pure JavaScript

This course geared me to understand Javascript as the whole subject. It went into everything one would need to know about Javascript but not in great detail. A crash course of crash courses for JS

JS Advanced Concepts's face

JS Advanced Concepts

The modern advanced JavaScript practices and concepts

I started to learn the more complicated concepts of JS including OOP and FN and how to use them in my own projects.

Complete NodeJS 2022's face

Complete NodeJS 2022

Advanced NodeJS including Express, GraphQL, REST, MongoDB

This is the course that really got me into backend development. After learning how to build APIs using the MVC pattern, I started being able to build my own APIs using the course as reference.

React Course with Projects 2022's face

React Course with Projects 2022

Learn React by creating 25 Projects using every hook

John Smilga was the first Udemy instructor which kinda broke through barriers of my understanding with React. With so many projects and repetition, it started to become obvious some of the React concepts.

Web Scraping with NodeJS's face

Web Scraping with NodeJS

Scrap real sites with Request and Puppeteer and Request

Using Puppeteer for the first time changed my whole idea of what type of developer I wanted to be. Puppeteer and scrapping allowed me to learn, that I could make my own APIs without being reliant on others.

Automated Testing with Puppeteer's face

Automated Testing with Puppeteer

Alternative to Cypress & Playwright with Google's Puppeteer

Testing I feel is one of the highest forms of learning. It forces one to really understand the concepts they've learnt so I decided I should learn more about BDD/TDD and Image Regression Testing.

Gatsby Tutorial and Projects's face

Gatsby Tutorial and Projects

Create Blazingly Fast Websites with latest version of Gatsby

I actually found it harder learning React on it's own so I learnt Gatsby early on so I could freelance and create very fast website for SEO interested customers.

MongoDB 2022's face

MongoDB 2022

Understand MongoDB Development for Web & Mobile Apps

MongoDB was used by most scrapping teachers so I decided to learn MongoDB because of it's syntax. The document structure played nice with my mental mapping.

Docker and Swarm 2022's face

Docker and Swarm 2022

Build, test, deploy containers, orchestrate services and manage swarms

To build out Skyscanner Plus, I needed a way to automatically create containers and run it while be automatically managed. Docker was perfect for this.

Coding exercises I'm practising on


Follow my updates per month

Once per month, I'll post an update on this website which I'll talk about what exactly I've done for the month, how I've improved and how you can do that yourself.